Movie Night at Beth El: The Comedy “Circumcise Me”
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Movie Night at Beth El: The Comedy “Circumcise Me”

January 14, 2019 , 7:00 pm

title: Movie Night at Beth El: The Comedy “Circumcise Me”
description: Beth El will host an evening with the film “Circumcise Me” starring comedian Yisrael Campbell. This is both a hilarious and moving story of his journey from being a Roman Catholic in Philadelphia to an Orthodox Jew. The event will begin with dinner at 7 PM and then the film at 7:30 PM. Visit for more information or call 412-561-1168.
start-date: 2019-01-14
start time: 7:00 PM
end date: 2019-01-14
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: No
event address: Beth El Congregation in the South Hills
1900 Cochran Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
event organizer: Steve Hecht, Executive Director
event website:
event cost: $10


January 14, 2019
7:00 pm
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