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Downtown Lunch & Learn
January 14, 2019 , 12:00 pm
Downtown Lunch & Learn
description: Rabbi Don Rossoff, Temple Emanuel of South Hill’s interim rabbi, will lead a Downtown Lunch & Learn on Monday, January 14 from noon – 1PM at Reed Smith, 225 Fifth Ave., Suite 1200. Free & open to the public – bring your own lunch and enjoy an hour of lively conversation on current events. RSVP to skaiser@reedsmith.com. For more information contact Temple’s office at 412-279-7600 or templeemanuel@templeemanuelpgh.org.
start-date: 2019-01-14
start time: 12:00 PM
end date: 2019-01-14
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: No
event address: Reed Smith
225 Fifth Ave., Suite 1200
event organizer: Leslie Hoffman
event website: http://www.templeemanuelpgh.org/event/downtown-lunch-learn-2/2019-01-14/
event cost: free