Tot Shabbat at Temple David

Tot Shabbat at Temple David

During a recent Tot Shabbat at Temple David, toddlers learned about the mitzvah of caring for animals.

Rabbi Barbara Symons reads a story about caring for animals. (Photo courtesy of Temple David)
Rabbi Barbara Symons reads a story about caring for animals. (Photo courtesy of Temple David)

Minda and Phil Raithel and Guinevere the bunny. (Photo courtesy of Temple David)
During a recent Tot Shabbat at Temple David, toddlers learned about the mitzvah of caring for animals. Gretchen Underwood from Rabbit Wranglers was kind enough to bring guests Shelby, Maisie and Guinevere.

The toddlers learned how to handle and pet the bunnies, and also made healthy snacks for them with alfalfa and bunny treats. The children also learned that bunnies don’t eat carrots too often — they are sugary treats that are reserved only for special occasions, the same way cupcakes are eaten on special occasions.

Gretchen Underwood from Rabbit Wranglers helps toddlers make bunny snacks. (Photo courtesy of Temple David)
Rabbi Barbara Symons and Shelby. (Photo courtesy of Temple David)
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