Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol to hold fourth annual spring cleanup

Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol to hold fourth annual spring cleanup

Squirrel Hill Litter Patrol will hold its fourth annual spring cleanup Sunday, April 25, 9 a.m. to noon.
Volunteers will meet at the corner of Forbes and Murray avenues by the Carnegie Library Squirrel Hill. They will pick up trash and collect recyclable items in the business district and surrounding streets of Squirrel Hill. All necessary supplies will be provided in addition to refreshments contributed by local businesses. Participants may clean up areas of their choice or can accept assignments for specific trouble spots. All volunteers are asked to devote at least one hour to the cleanup.
The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition is sponsoring the cleanup.
Contact Bicky Goldszer at bickylouinpgh@aol.com or the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition at (412) 422-7666 for more information.
