Squirrel Hill baseball team takes championship
Last month, a Sabbath-observant baseball team representing Squirrel Hill won the City of Pittsburgh Pony League championship. Coached by Dan Kraut and assistant Hirsch Chinn, the team entered the playoffs as the sixth seed and proceeded to defeat the third seed, the second seed and finally the top-seeded and previously undefeated 14th Ward in the title game, 10-8. Big League Pittsburgh, run by Joe Defeo, worked with the Squirrel Hill team’s Shabbat restrictions to create a truly memorable experience. Members of the Squirrel Hill team attend Community Day School, Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh and Yeshiva Day School among other area schools. Top Row, from left: Hirsch Chinn, Jim Creiman, Josh Levine, Moshe Wasserman, Kaz Parkinson, Joey Creiman, Seth Margolis, Moshe Eli Chinn, Moshe Luzer and Dan Kraut. Bottom Row, from left: Aaron Kraut, Pete Tadack and Mendel Hashimi. Not pictured: Mendy Cohen.