Shame on Doyle
Doyle should remember what Golda Meir said: “Peace will only come when the Arabs will love their children more then they hate us.”

Shame on Rep. Mike Doyle (D-District 14) for the way he defended co-sponsoring H.R. 4391 by claiming it’s a human rights bill that will help lead to peace (“My consistent support for Israel,” Aug. 10). This bill accuses Israel of torturing Palestinian children and requires the U.S. State Department to submit annually to Congress detailed certification that no U.S. funding is used for the detention of Palestinian children.
The bill is based on biased and flawed documentation. There is no mention in the bill of Hamas or Palestinian responsibility for sending their children into war zones, filling them with hatred of Jews, sending them on missions to kill Israelis or of murdering Jewish children in their beds.
In the guise of a human rights bill what we actually have is an updated blood libel co-sponsored by our own congressman.
Doyle should remember what Golda Meir said: “Peace will only come when the Arabs will love their children more then they hate us.”
Sheldon Shapiro
Squirrel Hill