Radio-J goes remote

The 200-some people who attended Jewish Community Day at Kennywood Park this past Sunday got something they probably didn’t expect — publicity.
In addition to the food, the rides and the fun — the typical fare of the annual event — Radio-J, in Internet-based Jewish radio station from Cleveland, did a remote broadcast from the picnic site.
Executive Director Phil Fink and his son, Vice President of Operations Shawn M. Fink, run Radio-J, which finds listeners around the world for its broadcasts of Jewish-related music, news, children’s and young adult programming and social commentary.
According to Phil Fink, his son read about the annual Jewish community picnic, and they decided it would be a good venue to attract listeners.
“We like to do remotes and see people,” said Fink, a veteran radio man and the host of the long-running show “Shalom America.” “It lets people know we’re available.”
He said the program was well received by the picnic-goers.
“A number people with connections to Cleveland — not knowing we’re from Cleveland — sat down and they talked to us,” he said. “We’re family broadcasting; you don’t have to worry about shielding your kids, and we’re Jewish content.”
Radio-J can be found online at
Mimi Elias Maizlech, an organizer for the event, said Aaron and Ari’s Grill catered the picnic with help from Gavi Konanbash, Binyamin Kohanbash and Hadassa Kamensky.
She said wasn’t sure what to think when the Finks contacted her about doing a remote broadcast, “[but] it turns out that they are heimish, kind and coming back next year, G-d willing.”
(Lee Chottiner can be reached at