Mega Mission signs up 250th participant for trip

Mega Mission signs up 250th participant for trip

The 250th participant has registered for the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh’s Mega Mission, which is set for June 19-28.

The mission, which marks the centennial of the federation, will involve the largest group of Pittsburghers ever to travel to Israel on a federation mission.

“We wanted this to be a true ‘community’ mission, so we structured it to appeal to everyone — with tracks and sub-tracks to enable participants to customize their own itineraries,” Jewish Federation President and CEO Jeffrey H. Finkelstein said in a prepared statement. “We fully expected a great response, but we are absolutely thrilled to now have 250 participants. And inquiries are still coming in.”

Registration continues for the Mega Mission, which offers program tracks for families, first-timers and veteran Israel travelers.

The latter group has the additional opportunity on several of the days to choose from special interest itineraries encompassing archeology, art, culinary, politics, co-existence, outdoor adventure and other activities.

For more information about the Centennial Mega Mission, please visit or contact Jessica Meyer at or 412-992-5223.
