Letters to the editor November 21
Seidman lauded
A hearty mazel tov to Rabbi Eli Seidman on his retirement from the military after a 24-year career.
“I enjoyed every minute of it,” says this very humble man (“At Veterans Day, soon-to-retire Army chaplain reflects on career,” Nov. 7).
The rabbi now serves as a director at the Jewish Association on Aging, along with his duties as chaplain and consultant to the Western Pennsylvania Auxiliary for Exceptional People.
He visits “special” Jewish residents each month at their outlying homes (e.g. Verland, Allegheny Valley and others). These residents are also brought into Beth Shalom for celebrative luncheons on the Jewish holidays. It is a very gratifying experience to witness. The rabbi extends religious and inspirational guidance at these luncheons that is very well received.
As president of the Auxiliary, I find Rabbi Seidman to be one of those truly wonderful human beings, and I again extend our congratulations on his history of service to our country and the Jewish community.
In his words, “‘I am proud that I had the opportunity to serve.” And, may I add that we are proud to have his service in our Jewish community.
Arthur Spiegel