Letters to the Editor, June 2
‘Count us in!’
In response to Rabbi Bisno’s “Courageous Conversations” piece in last week’s Jewish Chronicle, we at Community Day School say “Count us in!” We agree that we have to be prepared to take down walls and build community in efficient, effective and economically sustainable ways.
The Jewish Day Schools’ Lag B’Omer Parade, Carnival and Bonfire event is a perfect outcome of conversations that have already been happening cross-denominationally. We are proud to be one of three very different Jewish Day Schools working together, celebrating our common purpose, seeking joint ventures, and being strengthened through the process.
Our Jewish Federation, its beneficiary agencies and pockets of our community have been recognizing the inevitability and the opportunity of the realities we face. We can build a better Jewish future for our community if we are brave enough to build on the foundations of our past but not be constrained by them.
At Community Day School in particular, we are eager to be a partner with our community synagogues in crafting a new vision for synagogue education and for the general idea of communal synergies as proposed by Rabbi Bisno. We don’t yet know what it will look like, but we do know that the Jewish people need to invest in passionate and impactful Jewish learning in order to populate and inspire the Jewish communities of tomorrow.
We commend Rabbi Bisno for taking out into the town square the private conversation that has been simmering for years. We are ready to be a partner in this conversation.
Avi Baran Munro, Head of School Community Day School
Howard Valinsky, President Community Day School