Letters to the editor January 27
Don’t skimp on qualified caregivers
Deborah Winn-Horvitz hit the nail on the head when she stated, “The safest option is to obtain [adult care] services through a reputable, licensed agency or registry” (“Who is that person coming into your home to care for Mom?” Jan. 13).
Though there are many trustworthy people doing care “under the table,” the reality is you do not know who these people are. Consumers think they are getting a great deal, because these caregivers typically charge a lot less than an agency. But they typically are not licensed or bonded and have not had background checks. Also, they don’t have backup in case they can’t make it in.
Many are letting people in the homes of a vulnerable community, and the old adage applies: You get what you pay for.
Jamie Bayer
Director of Community Development, Harmony Home Healthcare
No pro-Israel consensus on Trump
I was disappointed by the headline of your front page article in the Jan. 13 issue (“Pro-Israel community looks to incoming administration’s Mideast policy with hope”). It seems to imply that those not favorably inclined to Trump are not part of the pro-Israel community.
Wouldn’t it have been more accurate to say that the pro-Israel community is divided over President Donald Trump’s Mideast policies rather than giving the impression that there is a consensus? Between 70 percent and 75 percent of Jewish voters are reported to have not voted for Trump.
The article also gives the impression that almost all Israelis are “much more optimistic with Trump.” That ignores all the evidence that Israelis strongly favored Hillary Clinton. While hope is an important character trait, there are reasons to be concerned with Trump’s Israel positions. While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government may be cheered by Trump’s pledge to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem (we have heard that before) and his appointment of a pro-settler ambassador, his comments about not supporting NATO allies who he feels don’t pay their fair share should raise concern with respect to Israeli aid.
Our tradition preserves both the majority and minority view. We seem to recognize that differing opinions are not inconsistent with our unity. You should be more careful in ascribing one view to the entire pro-Israel community.
Theodore Goldberg