Letters to the editor January 21

Letters to the editor January 21

Where to begin?
There is so much that could be said in response to Michael Scheuer’s statement on C-SPAN, Israel has no “worth” to the United States.
It could be noted Israel purchases about $8 billion of U.S. goods and services every year. That puts hundreds, if not thousands of Americans to work. 
Americans use and benefit from Israeli technology in computers, communications, health care and defense each and every day. I don’t know how to put a value on that.
Lastly, Israel may be the only true ally the United States has. In United Nations voting, Israel has almost a 100 percent record of voting with the United States; Israel only votes against the U.S. when its own interests are at risk.  

Stuart V. Pavilack
Wheeling, W.Va.

(The author is executive director of the Zionist Organization of America, Pittsburgh Chapter.)
