Letters to the editor April 18

Letters to the editor April 18

Register to vote

In 1984, a letter from Rav Moshe Feinstein (z’’l) urged the community to register and vote. Interestingly, I was 18 at the time.

The letter said that we who live in the United States should be aware of the benefits and kindness we receive by being American citizens. The rabbi’s words about voting were “hakarat hatov,” which means recognizing the good others have done for you.

Being Jewish, according to him, is an attitude of thanksgiving. Therefore, taking our civic responsibility seriously — and registering, and voting — is an act of Jewish gratitude.

Therefore, I am asking all leaders in the Pittsburgh Jewish community (particularly those aware of new voters) to make a commitment, if possible, to have those new voters registered for the primary, by April 21. Pennsylvania has formed a lawyers’ committee to answer all voting questions through the Department of State’s Election Department. Even a provisional ballot can be worth it.

Please try to read Rav Moshe’s letter and be thankful of our hard-fought freedoms.

For more on voting in our area visit votespa.com or call 877-VOTESPA.

Michael Milch

Squirrel Hill
