JCF to give $500K to Jewish Pittsburgh NPOs

JCF to give $500K to Jewish Pittsburgh NPOs

The Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh (JCF) is taking grant applications from local Jewish nonprofit organizations.  A total of $500,000 will be awarded, with individual grants typically ranging from $2,000 to $25,000.

In 2014 the JCF will make the funds available to one-time programs and projects that will address vital human services, support lifelong Jewish learning and nurture the vibrancy of the Jewish community in Pittsburgh.

The JCF will give special consideration to projects that advance the quality of — or access to — Jewish education, Jewish teen camping or Israel travel.

While applicants must be nonprofit organizations, individuals with creative ideas may contact the JCF, which might be able to match them to a sponsoring organization.  

Application materials and information are available at jfedpgh.org/grantapplication.aspx.  

Grant applications must be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday, March 3, to be considered for the 2014 spring grant cycle. The Foundation will notify awardees in June. If applicants need grant decisions or funds before July 1, the nonprofits may request expedited review.

Some examples of recent grants include:

• $15,000 to support DVASH, Dynamic Vision for the Active Study of Hebrew (a program created by the Agency for Jewish Learning), which works with Hebrew schools to develop inclusion and best practices regarding Hebrew reading instruction;

• $37,250 to support the Community Scorecard Project, which measures the collective impact of the Jewish community and sets short- and long-term community goals;

• $17,000 to help open Pittsburgh’s Moishe House, which provides meaningful home-based Jewish experiences to young adults;

• $30,000 to the Squirrel Hill Health Center, to integrate assessment, screening and outreach regarding at-risk older adults, in partnership with AgeWell Pittsburgh;

• $20,000 to help fund a position for a technology-support professional whom Pittsburgh’s three Jewish day schools share;

• $20,000 to perform energy audits at 11 Jewish agencies, to save money and reduce environmental impact;

• $10,000 to support Pittsburgh Ballet Theater’s participation in a world-renowned dance festival in Karmiel, Israel; and

• $15,000 to support RESHET, which helps synagogue leaders infuse congregations with exciting programs for adults and families.

The JCF, the planned-giving arm of the Federation, enables donors to create permanent endowment funds that address community needs in perpetuity. Total JCF assets stand at over $200 million.

Contact Joshua Donner, planning director of the Federation, at jdonner@jfedpgh.org or 412-992-5263, or Ilene Rinn, manager of human services, planning and allocations, at irinn@jfedpgh.org or 412-992-5213 for more information.
