It’s OK to enjoy Christmas
We can enjoy the symbols of Christmas while simultaneously honoring the meaning and traditions of Chanukah.
I was surprised and delighted to read “It’s a holly, jolly time of year for Jewish Pittsburgh,” which notes the enjoyment of the Christmas holiday that is derived by many in our community of faith. I am not alone!
There is a school of thought within Judaism that I have always eschewed, one that decrees that we should have nothing to do with Christmas, that we should avoid exposing our children to it lest they become so smitten that they renounce their Jewish roots.
I see nothing wrong in embracing the beautiful traditions of other faiths, and Christmas offers so many: the Christmas tree, beautiful lighting displays and, most of all, good will toward men, peace, harmony and cherished time away from daily pursuits to enjoy with family.
We can enjoy the symbols of Christmas while simultaneously honoring the meaning and traditions of Chanukah.
Oren Spiegler
Upper Saint Clair