Hannah Ruth Flamberg

Hannah Ruth Flamberg

Hannah Ruth Flamberg, a long time resident of Squirrel Hill and wife of the late Lawrence Flamberg, died on Wednesday, October 5, at UMPC Shadyside from complications associated with lung cancer. She was 83 years old.
Named one of Pittsburgh’s Leading 100 Community Activists by The Pittsburgh Post Gazette, “Ruthie,” as she was widely known, was active in politics and countless community organizations from the time she moved to Pittsburgh in 1963 and became a U.S. citizen. At her death, she was a member of the Allegheny County Republican Committee, Judge of Elections in the 14th Ward, an advisor to the Pittsburgh Job Corps, a volunteer at the Veterans Administration Hospital, a volunteer at Family House and President of the Squirrel Hill branch of AARP. She was also active in the League of Women Voters, and led several grassroots initiatives in the 70s and 80s to improve the Pittsburgh Public Schools.
A committed Zionist, she met her future husband as a member of the Haganah, the pre-Israel Jewish underground. Active in the Pittsburgh Jewish community, Ruth held local, state and national leadership roles with ORT, the Jewish War Veterans Ladies Auxiliary, Hadassah and Na’amat (Pioneer Women). Ruth was a member and Sisterhood officer at Tree of Life Congregation and Temple Sinai.
From 1970 till 1992, Ruth was the owner of “Clothes Faire”, a vintage clothing store in Braddock, PA.
Born on March 27, 1928 in Toronto, Canada, the youngest of Abraham and Anne Gilman’s four children and the only daughter, she lived with her older brother, Sam who was working at Westinghouse in the Manhattan Project during World War II, and graduated from Wilkinsburg High School in the Class of 1944.
Ruth was the mother of Daniel Flamberg, Zachary Flamberg and Nancy Flamberg Baldwin and grandmother of Allison Flamberg and Matthew and Alexander Baldwin.
A Memorial Service was held at Temple Sinai, 5505 Forbes Ave, Squirrel Hill, on Sunday October 23rd at 11:30 am.
