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Temple Sinai Movie Night & Art Exhibit featuring ‘My Hero Brother’
February 3, 2018 , 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm

title: JDAIM Movie Night & Art Exhibit featuring “My Hero Brother”
description: In recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month, Temple Sinai will present a screening of “My Hero Brother” after Havdalah. Following the movie, Enosh Cassel, producer and founder, will join via Skype for a Q&A session. Enjoy refreshments afterward while viewing a special exhibit featuring artwork by artists with disabilities.
“My Hero Brother” tells the remarkable story of a group of young people with Down Syndrome that embark on a demanding trek through the Indian Himalayas, accompanied by their brothers and sisters.
As the siblings deal with formidable physical and emotional challenges, unresolved conflicts come to surface and heart-warming friendship develop. The difficult trails and poignant relationships, set against the richly colorful backdrop of India, open new horizons and greatly deepen the viewer’s understanding of special needs people and their families.
Runtime: 78 minutes
Language: Hebrew with English subtitles
Cost: $8 in advance/$10 at the door (Members can register online in your Temple Sinai account to pay by credit card, or contact Judy Lynn Aiello at judylynn@templesinaipgh.org or 412-421-9715 ext. 124 to register and charge to your account. Nonmembers can purchase tickets by contacting Judy Lynn Aiello.)
Complimentary babysitting will be available for up to age 12. Children will watch a movie of their own and can bring a pillow and blanket to make them more comfortable. Advanced registration is strongly recommended so that we can have the appropriate amount of caregivers.
Sponsored by the Women of Temple Sinai.
start-date: 2018-02-03
start time: 5 PM
end date: 2018-02-03
end time: 7:30 PM
all-day event:
recurring event: —
event address: 5505 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
event organizer: Temple Sinai
event website: https://www.templesinaipgh.org/my-hero-brother
event cost: $8 in advance/$10 at the door