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South Hills Torah Weekend
November 18, 2017 , 9:00 am
title: South Hills Torah Weekend
description: Temple Emanuel, Beth El Congregation and the JCC-South Hills present South Hills Torah Weekend, November 17 & 18, 2018. This year’s theme is Harmony of Spirit, Harmony of Sound. Bill Strickland, founder of the Manchester Bidwell Group, Manchester Craftsmen Guild and Akko Center for Arts and Technology in Akko, Israel, will speak during the 6:30 PM Shabbat Service at Temple Emanuel on Friday, November 17. David Fabilli, known to Pittsburgh radio listeners as David Jaye, will speak about history of Jazz and Jews in Pittsburgh during the 9:00 AM Shabbat morning service on November 18 at Beth El. The weekend will conclude at the JCC South Hills with Havdalah and a Saturday evening concert at 7:00 PM with local jazz musician Ken Karsh. For more information, go to www.templeemanuelpgh.org or call 412-279-7600.
start-date: 2017-11-18
start time: 9:00 AM
end date: 2017-11-18
end time: 1:00 PM
all-day event:
recurring event: No
event address: 1900 Cochran Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15220