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South Hills Purim Extravaganza
February 28, 2018 , 5:30 pm

title: South Hills Purim Extravaganza
description: Join the South Hills Jewish Community for the 2018 South Hills Purim Extravaganza. Sponsored by Temple Emanuel, Beth El and South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh, the joint community event will be held at Temple Emanuel on Wednesday, February 28 (Erev Purim). The Purim Shpiel, “Grease – The Megillah”, will be performed at 5:30 PM. followed by a costume parade, pizza dinner, home-made Hamantashen and a full Megillah reading.
This year we’ll be shaking special groggers – boxes of macaroni & cheese! Bring your own, or make a donation (cash or check, small or large!) and pick one up when you arrive. At the end of the night we’ll collect the boxes and money and donate all to SHIM’s food pantry.
Please RSVP by 2/25/18 to templeemanuel@templeemanuelpgh.org of 412-279-7600 for the FREE pizza dinner so that we’re sure to have enough food for all!
start-date: 2018-02-28
start time: 05:30 PM
end date: 2018-02-28
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: No
event address: Temple Emanuel
1250 Bower Hill Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
event organizer:
event website: http://www.templeemanuelpgh.org/event/Purim2018