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Community Family Shabbat Dinner
June 1, 2018 , 7:00 pm
title: Community Family Shabbat Dinner
description: Friday, June 1st, 7 pm
Candle lighting
Home made, full course, sit down dinner
With special L’Chaim cake for dessert ;-))
Kosher dietary laws observed
Guest speaker, Mr. Yankel Pelled
Raised on an Israeli Kibbutz
Para-trooper in the Yom Kippur War
start-date: 2018-06-01
start time: 7 PM
end date:
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: No
event address: 2319 Pittock St
Squirrel Hill, 15217
event organizer: The Jewish Sisterhood, Ms. Shternie Rosenfeld
event website: http://RSVP—Thejewishsisterhood@gmail.com
event cost: $25 Adult, 10 Children, Sponsorship $180