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A Conversation with Evan Wolfson
February 7, 2019 , 7:00 pm
title: A Conversation with Evan Wolfson
description: Temple Emanuel’s LGBTQ+ Task Force is excited to bring Evan Wolfson to speak at Temple Emanuel on February 7, 2019 at 7pm. Mr. Wolfson will speak on “Making More Progress for Gay & Transgender People in our Community, Pennsylvania, the US, and the World: What Can We Do?” Mr. Wolfson is an internationally recognized civil rights lawyer who founded Freedom to Marry, the campaign that won marriage equality in the U.S. He is the author of Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People’s Right to Marry (Simon & Schuster, July 2004). He is also a Squirrel Hill native. The format will be a conversation with Mr. Wolfson, followed by audience Q&A. This event is free and open to the community, and is being sponsored by the Rabbi William Sajowitz Endowment Fund. Questions? 412-279-7600 or templeemanuel@templeemanuelpgh.org.
start-date: 2019-02-07
start time: 07:00 PM
end date: 2019-02-07
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: —
event address: 1250 Bower Hill Rd.
event organizer: Leslie Hoffman
event website: http://www.templeemanuelpgh.org/event/wolfson/
event cost: free