Cease-fire in effect

Prior to the cease-fire, Israeli police and rescue personnel at the scene of a bombing on a Tel Aviv passenger bus Wednesday, Nov. 21, that left 20 people wounded. (Credit: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)
The Jerusalem Post is reporting that Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the goals of Operation Pillar of Defense have been achieved.
At a news conference he stated, “All our objectives were reached, taking out the fajr rockets, rocket launching pads, and Hamas offices.”
Barak added that Israel succeeded in “harming Hamas and its ability to grow with minimal harm to our homefront and innocent civilians, and maximum damage to terrorists.”
He then added, “Even in this late hour, rockets continue to fall on Israeli territory. Southern communities in Israel will continue to be under attack in the coming days.”
Barak “expect Hamas to fully implement the cease-fire agreement.”