At JF&CSEmployees attend award dinner, Wolf holiday party
At Jewish Family and Community Services
Employees from JF&CS attended a holiday party with Gov. Wolf and were honored at the Howard Levin Clubhouse/ Jewish Residential Services award dinner.

Jewish Family and Community Services Refugee & Immigrant service coordinator and bilingual navigator Rup Pokharel poses with Gov. Tom Wolf and Frances Wolf. (Photo courtesy of Jewish Family and Community Services)

From left: Brenda Green, Refugee and Immigrant service supervisor, and Robert Dunmeyer, Refugee and Immigrant service employee. (Photo courtesy of Jewish Family and Community Services)
The Howard Levin Clubhouse/Jewish Residential Services honored Jewish Family and Community Services for being an “Exceptional Employer” at a recent awards dinner. Here to show off the award is Brenda Green, Refugee & Immigrant service supervisor, and Robert Dunmeyer, the employee who is helping the department save trees and go digital.
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